Mathematics and Science Department is a service department, that came out due to need to improve performance of students in this subjects. The Department is new, and it serves across all departments in Diploma and Certificate levels, the many subjects that are taught by our highly capable lecturers include Engineering math, Business Math, Quantitative Techniques(QT), Physical Sciences, Mechanical Sciences and other Engineering Courses.

The Department has qualified PSC Lecturers who are highly capable and dedicated to their job, we have a wide variety of instruction materials in our library. So we encourage prospective Students to join us, we promise you as a department to make doing Mathematics and Sciences interesting and fun for you
If you have any inquiries regarding any course offered in this department feel free to email the HOD Mathematics and Science through email: hod-maths@nyandaruanationalpoly.ac.ke. To view and apply for a course click any of the buttons below